Getting Unstuck when you feel like you are Living on Autopilot

Have you ever found that you were repeating the same routine every day, but that you don’t really remember what you did yesterday.  Maybe you don’t feel like you have anything to look forward to tomorrow.

If you’ve been feeling like you are living your life (well you’re doing the basics to get by) …. but you aren’t really feeling any joy from life …. then it’s very likely that you’re living your life on autopilot.    

Unfortunately one of the biggest problems with living life on autopilot is that we often don’t even realise we are doing it.  And this can have a devastating impact on our relationships and all other areas of our lives.

 It’s sad to admit to it – but I have totally been here.  Just sort of living my life, going through the basics of working, and being a part of relationships – but totally wishing for more (for anything better) but never sure if there was more or even how to get it. In some ways autopilot is a safe and comfortable rut to be in.  I was getting by, but I wasn’t really happy in any area of my life.

Some people live their whole lives on autopilot because it’s the only thing they know, and even though they aren’t truly happy – if feels safe.  There aren’t any risks and they don’t need to take the steps into the unknown. 

But taking those steps away from autopilot and starting to develop self-awareness and becoming more adaptable in life is key to start living a rewarding and successful life with fulfilling relationships. Its also vital if you want to have more joy and happiness in your life.

 How we can stop the Autopilot and start enjoying living again?

  1.  Pause and take time out to experience all the little things. I remember years ago taking my then 2 year old son for a walk on the beach for the first time and it took us half an hour to walk 20 m because everything was so fascinating. Put your rose coloured glasses on and pretend you are seeing everything for the first time. Take the time to marvel and wonder at the little things you’ve been taking for granted.

  2. Think about all of your goals, dreams and visions. Remember all of those things that somehow got shelved by life but used to spark you up and make you excited? Do you still have any? What about some new ones? Write out a new list and then make a start on a short-term goal.

  3. Invest in your relationships. If you have a partner – when was the last time you did something new with them? When was the last time you told them you appreciated them? If you don’t have a partner – what relationships are you taking for granted? Stop just being in a relationship and start living and thinking about how you can bring enjoyment and appreciation back to all of your relationships.

 Remember - if you feel that you are living on autopilot, there is always a reason why it’s this way.  Your life is out of balance. Events have happened and your life’s become too complex, or too stressful, or too mundane, or you’ve become resigned to your life being "routine".  

You can totally turn off the autopilot and bring the joy back into your life by seizing the moment.  Today (or one day this week) take some time and examine your life.

Really think about it. 

Are you really happy with where everything is in your life? Your job. Your relationship. Do one thing to shake things up and make them interesting. 

What actions can you take to get more balance in your life and start loving and enjoying life again?

Why not make an appointment with me to talk about where you are right now and where you’d rather be. A 30 minute FREE DISCOVERY CALL could be the start you need to move forward in your life.


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