Conquer Your Worry Demons in 5 Minutes

When I'm tired or overcommitted, that's when I notice my worry demons come to stay. I notice that my mind does a lot of revisiting past mistakes or worrying about how things will turn out in the future.

And if I don't do anything about it - I can end up feeling totally exhausted, my happiness gets sucked up and replaced by fear, and I end up physically run down.

Are you someone who does a lot of thinking about the past or future? It's easy to end up feeling exhausted and burnt out from constantly ruminating on past events and worrying about the future.

If your mind is spending more time in the past or the future, it's time to focus on the present moment and take control of your mental well-being by using this simple strategy for reducing anxiety and worry.

🎉Introducing a 5-minute exercise that will help you to stay present and focused in the moment and reduce the negative impact that excessive over-thinking and worry has on your happiness, productivity, and health.

1️⃣ First, think of 1 to 3 past events that occupy your thoughts every day, whether it's the loss of a loved one, financial struggles as a business owner, or a mistake you made in the past.
2️⃣Then, write down the life lessons you have learned from each event.
3️⃣Next, identify 1 to 3 things that you constantly worry about, such as job loss, insufficient profit in your business, or your health.
4️⃣Write down 3 practical steps you can take to prepare for and cushion the impact of these potential events.

Whenever your thoughts start to wander, ask yourself if you are currently stressing about the past or future. Just taking this moment to be aware of your thoughts will bring your focus back to the present and stop overthinking and excessive worrying. It’s one of many mindfulness techniques to reduce stress.

Please let me know if this coping strategy for overthinking and worry is helpful by commenting below.

Don't forget to grab your FREE self-care exercise from the link below to help you overcome burnout and improve your overall well-being. If you can't find the link send me a message and I will send you the worksheet as a PDF.

Link for worksheet:

#stressbuster #selfawareness #stressmanagement #wellbeing #mindsetcoaching


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